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Top 10 Beginner Mistakes You Should Never Make In Photoshop

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Photoshop is a useful designer’s tool with a vast selection of features that allows for some stellar design work, yet it can also be the bane of creativity when using certain techniques.

We’ve seen and probably even made rookie mistakes before such as over-sharpening, selective color, applying adjustments and so on. But not to worry, new year means expanding your knowledge of this amazing software and scale up on your design prowess! Nate Dodson of Tutvid has done us all a great favor by covering 10 common novice mistakes you should avoid at all costs!

There’s also a complete list of topics covered with time stamps, so you can pick and choose whichever tip(s) that will be most relevant to you!

  1. Bevel and Emboss | 1:27

  2. Selective Color | 4:39

  3. Over-Whitening Teeth | 6:23

  4. Exporting any Code for Web Design | 8:48

  5. Too much HDR/Unsharp Mask/High Pass/Clarity | 10:14

  6. Retouching Directly on a Layer | 13:22

  7. Applying Adjustments to a Layer | 15:50

  8. Applying Filters Directly to a Layer | 17:25

  9. Not using TypeKit | 19:58

  10. Bad Selection Edges for a Composite | 22:10

So what do you think of these points? Do let us know if you have any other blunders to share so we can all learn together! Happy New Year!

Other Photoshop Tips That Might Be Most Useful To You:

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