We’ve gathered data for the top purchased royalty-free stock content of February. Compiled below in their respective Likeboxes, we bring you 123RF’s best-selling stock photos, vectors, footage, and audio.
Subscriptions + Credits Photos & Vectors
Paving the way to Valentine’s Day brought romance-themed images and illustrations into the top downloads list, giving way to the bright reds and golds heralding Chinese New Year. Resolutions to keep fit for 2018 remain intact with a resilient portion of the world, with a number of images centering around fitness and exercise. On the adventurous side of top purchased stock imagery shows brilliant travel and exploration content.
Footage + Audio
Casual business themes mixed with AI and VR make the best-selling video content for February, swiftly accompanied by happy familial moments and babies. Starfields and nebulae round up the rest of the newer themes, while audio shifts into romantic beats and loops of light, cheerful beats.
Ready to discover what’s popular, and what the main selling trends look like for February? Click on the images below to check out their respective Likeboxes.

Stick around for the next month’s compilation of bestselling stock content!
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