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Top Stock Photos And Vectors Of January 2013

Do images of star-crossed lovers, cherubic cupids, bouquets of flowers and boxes of chocolates send you into a romantic frenzy? Well, you’ll have a great reason to indulge in these amorous fantasies as Valentine’s Day is just around the corner!

So, what do you have planned for you and the love of your life? Feel like surprising him or her with an exotic holiday getaway, a sumptuous dinner treat or opt for an exhilarating sport activity? Whatever you choose to do, we hope that you’ll have a fantastic time with your significant other.

To make these wonderful moments last longer, why don’t you take pictures of your awesome escapades and share them with us? We’d love to see what you’ve been up to! Take some time to browse through this selection of top downloaded credits and subscription images, for the month of January 2013. You’ll love what we have in store for you!

I. Credit Downloads Category

II. Subscription Downloads Category

Here’s to creating lots of memorable Valentine’s Day moments! We look forward to receiving more inspiring content from you.

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