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Make Your Website Strategy Focus on Conversions

If you are setting up shop online for the first time, you have probably wondered about your website strategy; should it focus on traffic or conversions? After all, a website without traffic won’t get any sales, but neither does traffic always guarantee a profit.

Unfortunately, the answer is not an easy one, but there is a common ground. We believe your focus should be on conversions, but not exclusively, because that wouldn’t make good business sense. Here’s how to ensure your traffic pulling strategies don’t fall flat with poor conversion rates.

Connect with Visitors on Live Chat

Buying online doesn’t have to be an impersonal experience devoid of human contact. Online shoppers crave the personal experience just as much as those heading to the mall. There will always be those few visitors who will want more information than the sales page is offering. Live chat is by far one of the best ways for you to provide the information they need and get around the fact that your brand-new product doesn’t yet have any reviews.

Live chat integration can help you convert these hesitant buyers into loyal customers by merely connecting with them through live chat. Kayako did a study and found that live chat can increase sales by up to 20%. Add this into your website strategy to boost your customer connection.

Create an Offer Too Good to Refuse

When you’re trying to get the ball rolling, you will need to have a compelling offer to drive more sales. A value-adding addition as a time-limited offer rarely fails to make an impact. Understanding a little about an online shopper’s psychology can give you an advantage in creating irresistible offers, and it’s usually not about price. 

Alain Sampson, Ph.D. of Psychology Today, says buyers aren’t entirely rational when presented with percentages and costs. To the untrained eye, a 50 percent increase in quantity seems more appealing than a 33 percent discount, but the two offers are almost identical in value. Don’t wait below the fold to make your offer; get it in front of your visitor as soon as possible, preferably as part of the headline. Use numbers in your website strategy. You’ll find this will grab your readers’ attention and get them clicking through to your call-to-action.

Always Use High-Quality Images

If you’re trying to portray your product or service in the best possible light, then make sure you only use high-quality images on your landing page. Highlight the product in as much detail as you can. You may have heard that images showing a customer using a product will collect more conversions, but a study from KlientBoost revealed this isn’t always the case.

A campaign for a hair straightener used different photographs to display the product. One was of a customer using the product, while the other was an up-close image of the accessory using lots of white space. The first version reduced the conversion rate by a whopping 44 percent. The lesson here is to show as much detail as possible when displaying the product, so visitors know what they will be getting exactly. Stock image sites are an excellent resource for finding high-quality images at much less cost than hiring a professional photographer. 

Your landing page will make or break your campaign regardless of the traffic you bring to it. You can always get more traffic, but conversions bring in the dollars and create loyal customers. Make sure you give your website pages the attention they deserve and use A/B testing to discover new strategies that will improve results. Click here to learn more about making sales by giving your customers what they want.

All images by rawpixel 123RF.


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