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How to Harness Visual Marketing for Social Media

Visuals can significantly impact your marketing campaign in the form of social media shares, traffic, clicks, and conversions. A compelling image will quickly grab a reader’s attention and make them want to learn more. It’s no wonder then that social media posts with visual elements receive the bulk of shares and engagement on social media than purely textual ones.

Visual Marketing Statistics

To make it clear just how powerful visuals are for social media, here are a few interesting statistics which explain why they can achieve such great results.

  1. People are six times more likely to remember the content of an image over text or audio.

  2. Click-through rates for websites with images is 47% higher than those without.

  3. Infographics receive 200% more shares and grow traffic 12% more than posts without images. 

  4. Tweets with images receive 18% more clicks.

  5. LinkedIn Posts containing images receive 98% more comment activity. 

  6. Now that you are convinced about the power of visual marketing, here are a few strategies you can use to incorporate it into your marketing strategy. 

Mix Up Your Image Types and Formats

There are a lot of different ways you can use images in your posts, including:

  1. Turning boring data into an attractive infographic your visitors will enjoy reviewing. Graphs and illustrations can also make data look more appealing.

  2. Use photos of any products you are discussing or create short videos on their use.

  3. Create screenshots or screencasts to illustrate how you do things.

Optimize Your Images According to the Platform

Unfortunately, a single image might not be usable on every social media platform where you maintain a presence. Twitter and Facebook are particular about the dimensions of the images, and they are entirely different from Pinterest and Instagram images. Learn how to use your graphics software to create visuals that will look good on the platforms you are using

Use SEO on Your Visuals

Visuals create another opportunity to use your keywords and get found for those phrases in visual search. A visual search can account for almost 10% of searches in some cases. Take advantage of this extra traffic opportunity by using your focus keyword in the image file name, description, and alt tag in your HTML code.

Make it Easy to Share Your Posts

As you know from above, content that contains images is shared more often, but you need to make it convenient for your viewers to do so. Most web development platforms have plugins for adding share buttons to your posts and pages. Plus, all the social media platforms offer code you can include on your pages to make sharing more straightforward.

Save Time with Stock Photos

The issue of copyright always comes up when discussing images you use anywhere on the internet. Most of us don’t have time to take our photos or create graphics from scratch. Fortunately, you don’t have to. A quality stock image site will have hundreds of thousands of images you can legally use for your visual marketing campaigns. Choose an image based on your topic, then edit to fit in with your content and make it more unique. Next, try this article that explains TikTok marketing.

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