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How To Create Successful Mother’s Day Campaigns

Mother’s Day is a huge opportunity to drive significant sales during spring and shore up some of the year’s profits. Mother’s Day has proven to be a boom time in recent years, with 2017 smashing records at over $23 billion in sales. A 2016 survey also recorded that online shoppers spend a lot more than offline shoppers when it comes to spoiling mom. With that said, it might be time to dust off your digital marketing campaign for Mother’s Day 2020. Here are a few successful case studies to spark your imagination.

Capitalizing on a Mother’s Uniqueness for Mother’s Day

Boot’s UK, a pharmacy chain in the UK and other places around the world, created a heartwarming campaign with the hashtag #ShowThemYouKnowThem. Instead of promoting specific products, the video shows children of all ages (kids and adults alike) presenting wrapped presents to the camera – presumably the view from the mother receiving the gifts.

Image by Vasyl Dolmatov.

What’s so compelling about this video is that each child is saying why their mom is so deserving of the gift, making the reason for the gift more important than the gift itself.

Makeup Advice from Mothers

Mothers always like to look their best, and good makeup advice never goes astray. Ulta put together a lovely little collection of moms sharing their favorite makeup tips for other moms. The mothers were encouraged to share their videos, with Ulta collecting the best ones and rewarding the contributors by publishing their Instagram handles.

Image by Vadim Guzhva.

While the campaign may not be one for the sons, what daughter won’t feel the tug of the heartstrings as they are reminded of makeup lessons with their most favorite person in the world while they were coming of age.

Voice Message for a Free Gift

Clarins asked people what they would wish most for their mom, and encouraged them to leave their answer via voice message on the popular messaging and social media app WeChat. Any shopper who recorded a voice message qualified for a free gift when they visited a Clarin’s store over Mother’s Day Weekend. Visiting customers were also treated to an in-store draw where they could win even more prizes, such as a spa coupon, a travel kit, or a luxurious facial treatment.

Image by Antonio Guillem.

When it comes to increasing Mother’s Day campaigns and sales, it seems that touching hearts and stirring emotions is the order of the day. Think about what your mother means to you and see if that doesn’t stir the creative juices for an inspiring campaign for your business.

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