If you have not started this amazing tutorial, click [Displacement Effect Part 1] Create Portraits That WOW! to begin! If you have successfully reached step 20 of this tutorial, congrats! Now, let’s continue on…
Step 21
Make a group for the effect 1 layer and all the peel ones. Merge this group in the same way mentioned in the step 19. Enlarge the result as shown below:
Step 22
Use a Channel Mixer adjustment layer and set it as Clipping Mask. Change the Reds settings:
Step 23
Change the color with a Hue/Saturation adjustment layer:
Step 24
Come back to the effect layer and use a layer mask with the paint stroke brushes to remove the part cover the man and leave the effect only visible around him:
Step 25
We will be creating more custom displacement maps. Create a new file in Photoshop with a transparent background. Use the Rectangular Marquee Tool to make some selections and fill them with black:
Go to Filter > Distort > Ripple:
Then, Filter > Distort > Wave:
Save this file as a PSD one and name it “displace 3”.
Step 26
Make another file in Photoshop. Create a new layer and press D to change the foreground and background to default (black and white). Go to Filter > Render > Clouds:
Then, Filter > Render > Fiber:
Apply the Crystallize filter:
Save this file as a PSD one and name it “displace 4”.
Step 27
Add the original man layer to the top of all layers. Duplicate this layer twice and hide these duplicated ones. Name them from 1 to 3.
On the first, use some paint stroke brushes to remove the body:
Step 28
Turn on the second one and apply a Displace filter using the “displace 3” file:
Add a mask to this layer and use some paint stroke brushes to make the effect visible around the man, especially the face:
Step 29
Un-hide the third layer. Apply a Displace filter using the “displace 4” file.
Use a layer mask to get the result below:
Step 30
Add the original man layer to the top and apply a Displace filter with the “displace 2” file as done in the step 10. Then duplicate it and flip it horizontally.

Step 31
Make a group for all the layers from the step 27 to 30. Press Ctrl+Shift+Alt+E to merge this group into a new one. Apply a brush masking to get a similar look below:

Step 32
Create a Hue/Saturation adjustment layer (set as Clipping Mask) to de-saturate the effect:
Step 33
Use a Color Balance adjustment layer and change the Midtones settings:
Step 34
Use a Curves adjustment layer and reduce the lightness:
Step 35
Make a Gradient Map adjustment layer on top of the layers and pick the color #64649f and #85f982. Change this layer mode to Soft Light 100%:
Step 36
Create a Photo Filter adjustment layer and pick the color #ec8a00:
Step 37
Make the color change with a Color Balance adjustment layer:
Step 38
Create a Curves adjustment layer and increase the lightness:
On this layer mask, use a soft black brush to mask off the edges to keep the shade there, also make the light focused on the man face.
Step 39
Create a new layer and use a soft brush with the color #020b2d to paint on the ear area. Change this layer mode to Linear Dodge 100%:
Step 40
On a new layer, change the brush color to #8df0f6. Pain on the ear area again and change the mode to Overlay 100%:
Your image is finally complete! If you have followed us through successfully, you probably acquired some really helpful skills along the way! Do comment and let us know what you think of the results! Looking forward to hear from you!=)