We’ve gathered data on the top purchased royalty-free stock content for June 2018. Compiled below in their respective Likeboxes, we bring you 123RF’s bestselling stock content: photos, vectors, footage, and audio.
Bestselling Stock Content: Subscriptions + Credits Photos & Vectors

It’s a mixed bag of themes for the month of June, the month being eventful and smack dab in the midst of the summer season. Picture palm trees, soaking up the warmth of the sun, and the smell of the ocean. Beach backgrounds, vector illustrations, and general summer-themed photography make up the popular imagery purchases for June. In light of recent events, searches on data privacy have doubled to dance around GDPR policies. A smattering of 4th of July photography has also made it to the top purchased list of imagery in subscriptions and credits. Shots of dads with daughters have also shown a rise in popularity in conjunction with Father’s Day celebrations. Lastly, Russian-themed vector illustrations and football photography still remain on the list of bestsellers. Soccer themes skirt over the various stock content productions, namely soccer-related patterns, cartoon illustrations of Russian soccer mascots and the country’s flags.
Bestselling Stock Content: Footage + Audio

Our top stock footage data shows us humans at work in various settings as well as working in diverse occupations. Footage of creative people working digitally, or having discussions with digital devices are also one of the most purchased video themes in the bestsellers list. Making up the remaining quarter of bestselling video content would be timelapses of cityscapes and corporate travel concepts. Video dives deep into nature with macro zoom-ins and close-ups of plants and blooming flowers. Hardly surprising, as June was the month of summer, travel, and nature!
An audio theme that stood out for the month with Malaysian Raya and Middle Eastern beats, in time for Raya celebrations across Asian continents. Energetic jingles and upbeat corporate tracks make up the rest of the most purchased stock audio content for the month of June.
Ready to discover what’s popular, and what the main selling trends look like for June? Click on the images below to check out their respective Likeboxes.
Stick around for the next month’s compilation of bestselling stock content! If you’re looking for our bestsellers from the past months, check out our archive of top stock content.