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5 Ways AI is Changing the Shape of Marketing

Like it or not, artificial intelligence (AI) is already here. Whether you are for or against intelligent machines, there are many ways your life is already being impacted by AI, most often without you realizing it. One area where AI is receiving fast track treatment is in marketing, for instance. There is no denying the superior analytical power of artificial intelligence when it comes to churning through mountains of analytical data and restructuring it into usable information to give marketers an edge.

If you want an example of AI at work, you have only to look at Google’s search page. What was once a relatively simple algorithm has grown exponentially in smarts and predictive power since it first booted up. So, how can AI fit into your marketing efforts?

AI Content Generation

At the level AI is now, we won’t be seeing any AI-generated content on the best seller’s list any time soon. However, where it stands today is streets ahead of even a few short years ago. One way AI content generation is helping organizations better serve customers is with chatbots. The chatbots of today can already handle straightforward tasks, such as answers to frequently asked questions. In the future, chatbots will be tasked with managing more complex customer queries in real-time. Check out the top digital marketing trends in 2021.

The Washington Post has been experimenting with Heliograf, a robot reporter that can produce short reports and announcements for popular events. Quill is another AI reporter using Narrative Science to write intelligent articles from provided data.

AI is Delivering More Personalized Customer Interactions

A study conducted by Google revealed that 57 percent of U.S. travelers believe that brands should create personalized interactions based on preferences and past behaviors. Further to this, more than 30 percent stated that if a travel brand did this, then customers would be more likely to spend more on a service. AI can help organizations use behaviors on site, recorded purchases, and interactions on social media profiles to provide personalized service at an individual level.

Filter High-Quality Leads

Sorting through and analyzing thousands of online interactions to find highly qualified leads is a massive undertaking requiring many hours of human labor. The same task only takes minutes for a powerful computer loaded with the right software. Examples of software already capable of such a feat include SugarCRM and LinkedIn’s Sales Navigator tool that connects users to relevant employers’ profiles, along with ContactOut - a tool that provides accurate B2B data and procures you highly qualified leads.

Ad Targeting

Perhaps one of the most potent implementations for AI in marketing is found in ad targeting. Targeted advertising involves directing a specific advertisement towards an audience with traits that indicate they are more likely to act on the information.

Traditional marketing is a numbers game. The goal is to get the message in front of as many people as possible. As a result, such a system is inefficient. Most people who see the advertisement will have no use or interest in the product or service. 

A sophisticated AI program can track user behavior online. Use parameters set to only show an advertisement to people who are most likely to have a need or desire for the product. Marketers can save a significant budget amount by not paying for ads. These won’t show in front of non-interested consumers, nor will they be annoying people with unwanted advertisements. 

Predictive Suggestions

Gen Z are comfortable with technology. Many are happy for a website to tell them what they are in the mood for. Yes, even before they even know themselves. AI will become increasingly responsible for helping people make decisions about what they want. If you’re looking for an example of predictive suggestions, then fire up your Netflix account. 

AI is a growing force in the marketing world. Its widespread adoption means that it will become available to small and medium-sized enterprises. While many will think otherwise, AI in marketing is not to replace jobs with automation. Instead, it can dramatically improve the customer experience and make marketers more effective in their roles.

All photos by gstockstudio, 123RF.

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