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3 Things You Probably Didn’t Know About Brand Marketing

Marketers all over the globe will employ different strategies in order to get consumers to convert. It doesn’t matter whether you’re seeing their strategies in print or via the Internet. In this digital age, social media (we’re looking at you, Instagram!) has the best chances of gaining conversion. In 2019, we look toward digital content, in the form of blogs or video consumption as a way of moving forward. These are the most popular forms of brand marketing we see on the Internet. Bet your mom never told you that…

Brands Love When You Read Or Watch Their Digital Content

When I want to check out a product before I buy it, I head to Google for reviews. When I can’t find sufficient data on that product, I’ll turn to Youtube. If I can’t find enough content or reviews of a product (and maybe its ingredients), there’s a 90% chance I won’t buy it. So if there’s zero trust, that brand doesn’t deserve my attention. I don’t trust what a brand in the wild promotes… because I’ve been sold on several products and they just turned out to be meh. Even if it’s a trial and error thing? My shopping instinct automatically tells me not to trust brands with excessive, overhyped marketing. I work hard for what I earn and I want to get my money’s worth from a product that I need.

There’s a simple method to this. Technology has made digital content much easier to consume. If you notice, most brands try to create content that’s worthy of a potential customer’s time. It needs to solve a problem they might be facing and boost their knowledge of a product. This requires a strong focus on authenticity, and staying ahead of the curve.

Brands Love Incorporating Color Into Products

Colors can definitely play a part in influencing our decisions to purchase a product. If you notice, when looking at a store display with a sale on, that sign is usually in bright red or an equally striking color. URGENT! It screams. DON’T MISS OUT ON AN OFFER THIS GOOD!

There are many other colors on the spectrum to choose from. For example, blue tones generally exude dependability and trust, which is why brands in finance use them, such as Bank of America. Major tech giants like Samsung, Intel and Microsoft also use the color blue to promote innovation and futuristic creations.

It changes a customer’s perception. Likewise, a consumer will associate your brand identity (and colors) with your product. Think about colors used by empires like Nike, McDonald’s, and FedEx. How colors are combined or arranged on display can produce positive marketing results, so use them to your advantage.

Brands Use Time To Influence Your Buying Decisions

Think about seasonal sales or well, just seasons in general. The average consumer will be more receptive to end year sales tactics because of the general rush to buy stuff like gifts. Lots of pressure there to get presents in time. Similarly, consumers have a tendency to purchase sunscreen and swimwear in the summer as opposed to winter season. Take the time of year into consideration when planning a marketing strategy.

Sometimes, you get consumers who are pressed for time and need to make a fast purchase. Having less time to digest new information can lead to impulse buys because they haven’t had sufficient time to consider alternatives. Occasionally, when you angle a product as a sale item, consumers tend to buy it because of two factors: (1) the price and (2) the sale duration. Certain times of the day are the most successful at getting potential consumers to convert; strategize your marketing accordingly.

Creating high quality visual content will definitely benefit your audience and marketing efforts. Keep current and constantly evolve to suit your audience landscape. When markets shift, brands are expected to morph along with their target audience’s growth.

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