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How To Create Blue Flame Text On Carbon Fiber Background

In this tutorial, we’ll see how we can create this really cool text effect in just a few easy steps. It’s simple! Anyone can do it! CARBON FIBER 1. We’ll start off by creating the carbon fiber background. To do this, we first need a base pattern. In Photoshop, create a 4px x 4px square at 72 dpi.

2. You’ll barely see it once created, so Zoom (Ctrl / Cmd +) in all the way on the document.

3. Select the Pencil Tool (B) at a size of 1px, and fill the blank canvas with these colors left to right (2 pixels per color), according to the sample below. This will determine the pattern arrangement of the final result. Ours is just a guide, but feel free to experiment with the pixel placement to achieve different types of patterns.

Colors according to placement: #3B3B3B #656565 #949494 #000000 #656565 #3B3B3B #000000 #949494

4. After that, go to Edit > Define Pattern. Name the Pattern as “Carbon”, and click OK. You now have your pattern saved.

5. Create a new document. We set ours to a size of 840px x 640px, 72dpi, then to Edit > Fill.  Select \”Pattern\” as your Content, and choose the pattern that you just created from the drop-down menu.

6.You now have a carbon fiber backdrop.

TEXT 1.Download the “Supreme” font from

2.With White selected as the font color, type in a word of your choice. Some of the characters were too close to each other so we set the tracking to -75.

3. Now go to Layer > Layer Style > Blending Options, or just double click the text layer.

4. Here, we will be using the following settings for: A) Drop Shadow

B) Outer Glow Note: Color used is #00A0CE

C) Bevel and Emboss



D) Gradient Overlay Note: Color used is #0096FF



You will end up with something like this.

5. Rasterise the text layer and duplicate it. Select the duplicated text layer and choose Filter > Blur > Gaussian Blur, at a radius of 5.


6. Set the layer as \”Overlay\” and this is how it will look like.


FLAMES 1. Open an image of a flame. We are using: 2782305 © Jon Helgason


2. What we\’re going to do next is to extract the flames from the original image. At the Channel\’s palette, click on the channel that has the best contrast. In this case, it is the Green channel. Ctrl / Cmd + Click to make a selection of it.


3. With the channel selected, click on the RGB channel, then copy (Ctrl / Cmd + C) and paste (Ctrl / Cmd  + V) the selection into your working canvas.

4. Name this new layer \”Flames\”.

5. Here, we turned off the visibility of the text layers so we can work better with the flames.


6. Using the lasso tool (L) at a feather of 20px, select parts of the flame you would like to use by copying and pasting them into new layers.

Turn the visibility for \”Flames\” off. We\’ll just keep it aside for backup from now, just in case you want to copy more flames to use on your image.

7. Bring the text layers back. Use the Free Transform Tool (Ctrl / Cmd +  T) as well as the Warp Tool (Edit > Transform > Warp), to shape each individual flame that you copied and apply them to the text according to your preference.


8. We duplicated some of the flames again to fill in empty spots.

9. When you think it looks good enough, merge the flame layers and set the layer blending option to \”Screen\”. LIGHTING EFFECTS 1. For the final step, we will put in some light effects. Select the Background (Carbon Fiber) Layer. Go to Filter > Render > Lighting Effects. Here are our settings:

Note: Color used is #0096FF


2. Once that\’s done, duplicate the Background layer and set its layer blending mode to \”Overlay\” and flatten the image, discarding hidden layers.

3. Here\’s the finished artwork.


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