Millions of people across the globe celebrate the five day festival of lights, otherwise known as Diwali. If you’re a marketer, amp up your content creation for social media, video marketing or blog posts with our Diwali-themed images. Click the button below to explore our curated collection of Diwali stock content on 123RF, or scroll down to check out how you can search for your own.
There’s no doubt that visuals help a lot when it comes to your marketing strategy. Your audience will retain your brand’s message in their memory much better with an image than with just plain text.
It’s easy enough to run a quick search through 123RF’s content library. All you have to do is type in the keywords Diwali and set your search filters to photography. Alternatively, you can also use the keywords diya lamps, rangoli, festival of lights, and if you need humans in the photo, people celebrating Diwali, family celebrating Diwali.
Let’s say you’re creating posts for your brand’s Facebook feed. Pair your Diwali-themed banners with colorful illustrated art to create a fun, vibrant mood on your wall. To run a search on 123RF, type in the keywords Diwali and set your search filters to vector illustration. Alternatively, you can also use the keywords Diwali greeting vector art, or festival of lights vector.

Simple and straightforward.
Are you looking for a creative visual that’s straightforward and doesn’t require any extra designing effort? Go with something as simple as this vector art with suitable typography, accompanied by a creative illustration on a gradient background. The same goes for the vector art piece down below. All our vector illustrations are easily editable with an image editing program like Illustrator or Vectr.

Simple and clean.
For more suggestions and inspiration on seasonal themed stock photography and vector illustrations, check out the photography or inspiration section of our blog.