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Best Ways To Market To Women On International Women’s Day

International Women’s Day is rejoiced around the globe on March 8th to recognize the political, cultural, and social accomplishments of women. This special day brings to forefront key problems such as women empowerment and gender parity. As Women’s Day obtained significance, businesses across the globe have made a giant leap by aligning their marketing calendar to celebrate women everywhere. Need some plans for your own marketing campaigns? Here are the seven best digital marketing ideas that you can use to celebrate and spark conversation around International Women’s Day.

Offer Giveaways

Who says giveaways are only associated with large seasonal events? With the right know-how, the average marketer could make great use of this traditional tactic. Your organization could offer giveaways to female staff too. What better way to market your brand awareness via simple word of mouth from people who already believe in your brand? By physically distributing freebies to your clients or customers, you may just notice an increase in brand loyalty, as well as repeat visits to your e-commerce platforms or website. There’s a personal touch, especially on customer or client serving fronts.

7 Best Ways On Marketing To Women On International Women's Day - 123RF Blog

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Some traditional marketing methods can be pretty helpful in building brand awareness, so don’t overlook them in favor of modern tactics. Traditional marketing guarantees that the marketing campaign has both offline and online flavors, and the visibility of your brand is improved in the real and online world.

Women-centric Promotional Offers

This day is intended to make women feel super special. While a gift such as apparel, flowers, and chocolates are typical, this isn’t exactly Valentine’s Day. Give them something useful that celebrates female empowerment, not just something pretty.

7 Best Ways On Marketing To Women On International Women's Day - 123RF Blog

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So what you might want to do is focus on something that can slice off the full price of your brand’s products, such as promotional offers. A special discount on Women’s Day for your buyers could surely improve traffic to your website or product page. Worried about people not being able to find your website, even through countless social media posts? An email campaign could help with pushing out information to your ideal audience too. Optimize that for mobile, and you’re good to go!

Offer Educational Blog Content

Another wonderful idea for marketing your brand to women, is to showcase and promote blog articles about your organization’s initiatives for female empowerment

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Another wonderful idea for marketing your brand to women, is to showcase and promote blog articles about your organization’s initiatives for female empowerment. Doing this shows that your brand is much more involved in celebrating and empowering women. Even better if your content is educational, for example, showing your target market how to create an easy banner for social media purposes and resize it for various social platforms.

Run an Ad Focused on Marketing to Women

If you have the right budget, try running ads on your social media, purely intended for the female audience. And if you’re targeting a specific age group, do some split testing on your ads to further grasp how your market evolves over time. Pushing for engagement? Create an interactive campaign and respond to your audience! Get them to upload their own photos and tag your brand. Make use of hashtags such as #womensday, #girlpower, #strongwomen for your social campaigns.

Market to Women by Leveraging on Social Media

Try optimizing your social media presence for Women’s Day. Create build-up or anticipation for your brand’s promotions or special offers with teaser posts on Instagram. But hey, don’t just use Instagram because I said you should use it… Honestly, it’s better to identify and leverage on the social platform that your clients respond to best. In short, don’t blindly follow whatever your competitors are using, because every brand’s community works differently.

Social media can be one of the most exciting ways to strengthen your online presence. It highlights how much your organization cares for the entire cause of celebrating women.

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Social media can be one of the most exciting ways to strengthen your online presence. It highlights how much your organization cares for the entire cause of celebrating women. There are brands out there who choose to post the images of their female staff on social media to give them recognition and show appreciation for their work. Don’t have female employees who are keen on a brand sharing their photos online? Make use of the readily available photos here to create content and push your social campaigns out quickly and easily.

Dedicate An Entire Web Page for Women’s Day

Even if you’re not having any promos or offers, you could try dedicating a landing page for Women’s Day. Marketing to women doesn’t have to be boring. If you’re tech-savvy or have a web designer on board, try creating a little game or fun interactive page of sorts so your clients can interact with it. Once they connect with your brand, you already have potential leads. Stuff like this definitely promotes shares, because women (and even men, too!) will be sharing your page with their friends. With a little effort, this is how you can generate some positive buzz for your brand. Again, it’s great for branding and pushing your brand out there to show your appreciation for the fairer sex.

Take Advantage of Videos and Video Sharing

A smartphone is the newest tool in the armory of marketers trying to market to women. If a photo helps you convey your thoughts visually, videos allow you to feel it. Creating an emotionally charged video could have a lasting effect, leaving a positive brand footprint, whether for social media or your brand’s webpage. Utilize this and strengthen the visibility of your brand online while you send a marketing message on Women’s Day. Videos with women in it, speaking about how your brand has impacted their lives in some way? Even better!

7 Best Ways On Marketing To Women On International Women's Day - 123RF Blog

Images by Aleksandr Davydov, 123RF.

There we have it, seven marketing tactics to market your brand to the right audience on International Women’s Day. Not only is Women’s Day an essential marketing touchpoint for the female audience, but for the world at large as well. It’s never too late to properly personalize your business campaign and effectively market to women.

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